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Complaint Handling

As of PT Bank KEB Hana Indonesia's (Bank Hana) commitment to provide optimal banking services, Bank Hana always appreciates every assessment, input, and complaint submitted by Customers, Customer Representatives, and/or Non-Customers and Prospective Customers of Bank Hana.

In its implementation, Bank Hana manages all assessments, inputs, and complaints in accordance with regulatory regulations, namely the Financial Services Authority Regulation, Bank Indonesia as well as through the internal policy 'Complaint Handling' which we continue to improve.

Customer Care Handling Procedure
  1. Customer and/or Non-Customer Dissatisfaction with Hana Bank Products and/or Services, can submit a complaint through the Complaint Service either orally or in writing.
    Such complaints can be made due to losses and/or potential material, reasonable and direct losses to the Customer due to non-fulfillment of the agreement and/or financial transaction documents that have been agreed with Hana Bank.
  2. Hana Bank doesn’t charge any fees in carrying out the policies and procedures for Complaint Handling to Customers, Customer Representatives, and/or Non-Customers or Prospective Customers.
  3. Scope of Complaint Handling
    1. Receipt of Complaints
      1. Hana Bank receives, records, and documents every complaint submitted by the Customer, Customer Representative, and/or Non-Customer or Prospective Customer and/or Non-Customer. Such complaints can be made in writing and/or orally through Official Channels managed by the Bank, namely:
      2. More profit with LINE Bank
      3. Explain the Short Procedure for Complaint Handling to Customers, Customer Representatives, and/or Non-Customers and Prospective Customers.
      4. More profit with LINE Bank
      5. Hana Bank conducts verification to ensure the correctness of the information provided by the Customer, Customer Representative, and/or Non-Customer or Prospective Customer.
      6. Supporting documents must be submitted by the Customer, Customer Representative, and/or Non-Customer or Prospective Customer when submitting a complaint are as follows:
        • Identity of the Customer/Customer Representative;
        • Special Power of Attorney stamped if the Customer delegates the complaint submission process to the Customer Representative;
        • Type and date of financial transaction
        • The problem of complained
        • Other required documents that must be completed
      7. In the event that the consumer has not fulfilled the required documents, Bank Hana will inform and request the lack of such documents and give time to the Customer to complete the lack of documents up to 10 (ten) working days, under certain conditions the Bank may extend the period up to the next 10 (ten) working days by informing the Customer before the first period ends. These conditions include:
        • The required documents are not available at the Customer's domicile; and/or
        • There are other things that are beyond the Customer's control.
      8. Hana Bank through the unit that carries out the functions of Consumer Protection and Complaint Handling submits confirmation and proof of receipt of complaints to the Customer consisting of:
        • Complaint registration number;
        • Date of receipt of the Complaint; and
        • Telephone number or other communication channel from the Bank that can be contacted by the Customer
    2. Complaint Handling
    3. Type of ComplaintTime PeriodCategory
      Verbal5 (Five) Working Days since the complaint is receivedThe complaint has an element of incomprehension of the Customer, including:
      1. Request for information regarding the products and/or services used by the Customer and/or the Bank's internal regulations regarding the products and/or services provided by the Bank;
      2. Request for information regarding the mechanism of using products and/or services;
      3. Procedures for Customer complaints; and/or
      4. Other information about products and/or services that the Customer needs to know;
      Written10 (Ten) Working Days since the documents are received in full by the Bank*Complaints that have elements of disputes, violations of provisions, and/or losses of the Customer.
      * If there are certain conditions, the Bank can extend the period for a maximum of 10 (ten) working days, for the following reasons:
      • The Bank office receiving the Complaint is not the same as the Bank office where the complained problem occurred and there are communication problems between the two Bank offices
      • Complaints submitted by the Customer require further escalation or investigation within and outside the Bank; and/or
      • There are other matters beyond the control of the Bank
      In the event that the settlement of the Customer's complaint involves a third party who has a special policy related to the deadline for resolving the complaint and/or transaction, the Bank will inform the Customer of the time adjustment through the media determined by Hana Bank.
    4. Complaint Resolution
      1. Hana Bank provides Complaint Responses to Customers, Customer Representatives, and/or Non-Customers and Prospective Customers on Complaints received either orally and/or in writing
      2. The Complaint response provided by the Bank may be:
        • Explanation of the problem, in the event that there are no errors, omissions, and actions that are contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations in the financial services sector, and/or agreements that cause losses and/or potential losses to the Customer.
        • Offer for settlement, in the event that there are errors, omissions, and actions that are contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations in the financial services sector and/or agreements that cause losses and/or potential losses to the Customer.
      In handling complaints, Hana Bank may reject complaints if:
      1. The Customer does not complete the document requirements in accordance with the predetermined period.
      2. Previous complaints have been resolved by Hana Bank in accordance with the Procedures, Mechanisms and/or Terms and Conditions of this Complaint Service.
      3. The complaint is not related to material, reasonable, and direct losses and/or potential losses as stated in the agreement and/or product and/or service utilization documents.
      4. The complaint is not related to the utilization of products and/or services issued by the relevant Hana Bank.
      5. The complaint is in process or has been decided by the judiciary civilly.
  4. Dispute Complaints
    In the event that the Customer does not agree on the results of the Handling and Settlement of Complaints conducted by the Bank, the Customer may submit to:
    1. Complaint to the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
      • Submit a written letter to: Anggota Dewan Komisaris OJK dan Perlindungan Konsumen, Menara Radius Prawiro Lantai 2 Komplek Perkantoran Bank Indonesia, Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 2, Jakarta
      • Contact OJK Service 157
      • Send email viakonsumer@ojk.go.id
      • Access the websitehttps://kontak157.ojk.go.id
    2. Complaint to Bank Indonesia (BI)
      • Visit the head office of Bank Indonesia, namely the BI – BICARA visitor center and/or the domestic Bank Indonesia representative office closest to the domicile of the Customer/Customer Representative.
      • Send a written letter to:
        1. For Consumers who are domiciled or reside in the DKI Jakarta area, Bekasi Regency or City, Bogor Regency or City, Karawang Regency, and Depok City, submitted to the Bank Indonesia Representative Office of DKI Jakarta Province
        2. For Consumers who are domiciled or reside outside the region, it is submitted to the domestic Bank Indonesia representative office closest to the Consumer's domicile or residence;
      • Contact Bank Indonesia Call and Interaction (BI-BICARA) Call Center (131 local credit) or 1500131 (from abroad)
      • Send email viabicara@bi.go.id
      • Access the websitehttps://www.bi.go.id
      • LISA Chatbot with number 081 131 131 131
    3. Submit a Dispute to the Alternative Financial Services Sector Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS SJK) which has received approval from the Financial Services Authority with the following information:
    4. Settlement of disputes or legal problems through the Judiciary in the Republic of Indonesia

Click the button below to download the Complaint Handling Form
Send to help@linebank.co.id
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WhatsApp Business (08.00 WIB - 22.00 WIB)